I usually write reviews after using the product for a good few weeks but this beauty is deserving a five star review only after one single use.
When I was hysterically losing myself amongst parapharmacy products this balm was ringing bells in my mind cause her skincare highness Caroline Hirons raved and advices this on numerous occasions. Being sceptical on splurging 40-something euros on a just 15ml product made no sense. No sense? I bought it anyway, hehe.
Only after one use, I swear the price DOES justify the product. Thank you Mrs. Hirons. (insert a cyber kiss and a hug here)
It's so difficult to describe the product an what it exactly does. First of all, it's just natural ingredients combination bla bla blaaaaa...
It doesn't clog the pores, it smells very intense (if that turns you on) and yes, it's oily. Obviously, as it's a combination of skin loving oils. And it DOES (being an oily product) help with spots and congestion. Next day, I woke up with a glowy skin. It's worth every cent. The only thing I'm curious about is how long this 15ml will last me.