May 23, 2013

Review : Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Cream Mask (Masque CrèmeHydratant)

Hello people, over the week-end I was in Paris, despite the rain and shops being closed on sundays, I managed to go mental on French Pharmacies.(win!)

I especially took a leap of faith on Caudalie after reading so many raves about beauty elixir aka eau de beauté.

I've tested this mask on many occasions already and I can undoubtedly can say that I'm in love with this. I have a combination skin, meaning an oily t-zone with enlarged pores and tend to have blackheads (don't we all?) and the rest of my face is dry/normal.

This mask comes in a opaque white colour and the colour dissipates when you apply it. Even though it was meant to be used as a masque I quite enjoy using it as a cream on the days I think I need a hydration boost. If I have any itchiness or any kind of nuisance, it disappears in 10 mins. Surprisingly, even though grape seed oil is one of the ingredients (common ingredient in Vinosource line) I notice my face is shine free. Yeap, shine free. I absolutely prefer this mask over Dermalogica (click here to read the review) zillion times.

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