September 06, 2013

Review : Bergman Scar Retreat Scar Serum

I reviewed the Scar Cream over here, this is a review of the serum.

So as I said before Bergman is a renown Dutch luxury skincare brand, the type that very could break your wallet.

Bergman's most famous products are belonging to Scar Retreat series that consists of 15ml Scar Cream and 15ml of Scar Serum. They're designed to treat wounds after cosmetic surgeries since at Bergman Clinics they perform almost every type of cosmetic surgery. They say if you use both of these combined right after you have a wound (any type of wound really) you won't have any scars.

The serum lasted me almost a month and a half when I used it twice a day, good proof of 'a little goes a looong way' and I did see a difference after a week or so, my skin was softer, more even toned, meaning, I didn't see any miracles, but hey, maybe I had no actual accident or surgery scars to experiment on.

Next time I want to give a try to Bergman Microdermabrasion Serum since I bought 4 bottles to my lovely family friend who swears by it. 

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