September 06, 2013

Review : Bergman Ultra Light Peptide Moisturiser

Just like the name suggests, this is a very light, quickly absorbed moisturiser that would suit most of the skin types without causing irritation. I think this one would suit those who look for a basic moisturiser summer time, I'm afraid it would not cut it if you have more expectations.

Review : Bergman Scar Retreat Scar Serum

I reviewed the Scar Cream over here, this is a review of the serum.

So as I said before Bergman is a renown Dutch luxury skincare brand, the type that very could break your wallet.

Bergman's most famous products are belonging to Scar Retreat series that consists of 15ml Scar Cream and 15ml of Scar Serum. They're designed to treat wounds after cosmetic surgeries since at Bergman Clinics they perform almost every type of cosmetic surgery. They say if you use both of these combined right after you have a wound (any type of wound really) you won't have any scars.

The serum lasted me almost a month and a half when I used it twice a day, good proof of 'a little goes a looong way' and I did see a difference after a week or so, my skin was softer, more even toned, meaning, I didn't see any miracles, but hey, maybe I had no actual accident or surgery scars to experiment on.

Next time I want to give a try to Bergman Microdermabrasion Serum since I bought 4 bottles to my lovely family friend who swears by it. 

Review : Bergman Scar Retreat Scar Cream

Bergman is a renown Dutch luxury skincare brand, the type that very could break your wallet.

Bergman's most famous products are belonging to Scar Retreat series that consists of 15ml Scar Cream and 15ml of Scar Serum. They're designed to treat wounds after cosmetic surgeries since at Bergman Clinics they perform almost every type of cosmetic surgery. They say if you use both of these combined right after you have a wound (any type of wound really) you won't have any scars.

Having used both the serum and the cream for my post acne pigmentation and redness like scars, I could very easily say that the cream delivers results much faster than the serum. You're supposed to apply the cream only to the areas where you have problems and it lasted me more or less a month. Every single time I slapped it on, even though my pigmentation is still there, I've noticed a difference the next day. Actually, even my cousin noticed the difference in one of our skype conversations.

This will help you accelerate the healing process of your problems and would definitely improve you skin's condition.

Review : Neutrogena Visibly Even Daily Moisturizer SPF 30

Hello, I'll be reviewing  Neutrogena's Visibly Even Daily Moisturizer SPF 30. In general I really like Neutrogena but unfortunately, here, in the Netherlands and probably in the rest of Europe we can't really get anything else than generic products like hand moisturisers, basic cleansers and spot treatments for spots, so I decided to splurge an awesome amount of 20 Euros for this baby (e-bay of course), ermmm, it costs less than 14$ in the US. Not cool Europe, not cool. (did you pay attention to the title of this blog?)

It's a great daily basic moisturizer if you have combination to oily skin and normal skin if you're not looking for a basic level moisturizer with a good SPF in it. It's not likely to cause breakouts if you'll apply it a few times throughout the day. I noticed that the level of SPF goes down drastically if you won't finish it after you open it.

Will it even out your skin tone? Nope, sista, it won't. Sigh.
Are there better basic moisturisers with high SPF? Absolutely.

May 26, 2013

Review : Darphin Purifying Balm / Baume Purifiant Aromatique

I usually write reviews after using the product for a good few weeks but this beauty is deserving a five star review only after one single use.

When I was hysterically losing myself amongst parapharmacy products this balm was ringing bells in my mind cause her skincare highness Caroline Hirons raved and advices this on numerous occasions. Being sceptical on splurging 40-something euros on a just 15ml product made no sense. No sense? I bought it anyway, hehe.

Only after one use, I swear the price DOES justify the product. Thank you Mrs. Hirons. (insert a cyber kiss and a hug here)

It's so difficult to describe the product an what it exactly does. First of all, it's just natural ingredients combination bla bla blaaaaa...

It doesn't clog the pores, it smells very intense (if that turns you on) and yes, it's oily. Obviously, as it's a combination of skin loving oils. And it DOES (being an oily product) help with spots and congestion. Next day, I woke up with a glowy skin. It's worth every cent. The only thing I'm curious about is how long this 15ml will last me. 

May 23, 2013

Review : Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Cream Mask (Masque CrèmeHydratant)

Hello people, over the week-end I was in Paris, despite the rain and shops being closed on sundays, I managed to go mental on French Pharmacies.(win!)

I especially took a leap of faith on Caudalie after reading so many raves about beauty elixir aka eau de beauté.

I've tested this mask on many occasions already and I can undoubtedly can say that I'm in love with this. I have a combination skin, meaning an oily t-zone with enlarged pores and tend to have blackheads (don't we all?) and the rest of my face is dry/normal.

This mask comes in a opaque white colour and the colour dissipates when you apply it. Even though it was meant to be used as a masque I quite enjoy using it as a cream on the days I think I need a hydration boost. If I have any itchiness or any kind of nuisance, it disappears in 10 mins. Surprisingly, even though grape seed oil is one of the ingredients (common ingredient in Vinosource line) I notice my face is shine free. Yeap, shine free. I absolutely prefer this mask over Dermalogica (click here to read the review) zillion times.

Review : Alpha-H Triple Action Cleanser

This is a review of Alpha-H's Triple Action Cleanser but I need to warn you that I might be a little biased cause this brand is awesome (see what I did there?)

Alpha-H is an Australian brand that has a few hero products like Liquid Gold (4% glycolic acid treatment), Liquid Gold Mask (my all time favorite exfoliating mask) and their 50SPF moisturizer (such a lovely texture that doesn't leave any white residue behind).

This cleanser is a transparent gel that doesn't foam. The best thing about it is the fact that it cleanses without stripping your face from its essential oils. I think even the sensitive skin could easily benefit from this product. If you're removing heavy make-up, you need to cleanse twice. Actually we need to cleanse twice in the evenings twice if we wear make-up and/or sunscreen.

I find this gentle cleanser to perfectly fit for even the most sensitive skin. Plus, considering price/quality ratio, it's a good investment.

May 08, 2013

Review : Dermalogica Gentle Cream Exfoliant

This mask comes with a 75ml/2.5 fl oz tube, just like any other Dermalogica products a little goes a long way. Dermalogica promotes this as 'super-smoothing masque' as it contains lactic and alpha hydroxy acids to chemically exfoliate dead skin cells to improve skin texture.

This mask smells very Dermalogica, very high tech, I would even say that I smell the lactic acid (hmmm?) It has a creamy white texture, you have to leave it 10-15 mins on cleansed skin and remove it with lukewarm water.

I think that the mask does deliver what it promises to deliver: a very gentle chemical exfoliation. It's perfect for those who have sensitive and/or dry skin, it's very unlikely to aggravate any skin problem you may have. If you use it on regular basis, you will see the difference in your skin texture (in combination with other Dermalogica products)

However, if your skin is more rough, to the oily side and you want to use this mask to help with your acne pigmentation, you might not be too impressed with this as it's too gentle. In such case I find Alpha-H Liquid Gold Mask to be more effective for pigmentation for rough skins, like mine.

April 26, 2013

Review : Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Masque

This is quick review for Dermalogica's Skin Hydrating Mask. As you know doesn't matter what kind of skin you have, you need to hydrate is as much as possible and there are so many different masks you could try which have different combinations.

I, personally try to use this mask twice a week after I remove my clay mask. This hydrating mask comes with a 40 Euros price tag, and Dermalogica is a very good brand. Therefore I have high expectations but the mask fails to deliver those expectations.

It is a gel like, transparent formula that you put on your face (even around the eyes) and remove it after 10-15 mins.

Don't get me wrong, this mask does deliver what it needs to deliver but not with the quality you'd expect from Dermalogica. I think there are much better and cheaper options than this one. I don't see myself repurchasing this again.
When I'll be finished (god knows it will take a long time) I want to get full size of either Sisley's Express Flower Gel (gel express aux fleurs) or Origins'
Drink Up Intensive Mask. 

Review : Alpha H Purifying Clay Mask with vitamin A

I have a combination skin, I tend to get oily on my T zone and normal to dry (depending on the season) on my cheeks. And I have blackheads over my nose. Yea, disgusting.

today i finished the 50ml tube (mind you half of the retail size) it lasted quite some time though.

I really enjoy clay masks to get rid of the gunk in my pores and help with my blackheads. I need to say this clay mask of Alpha-H is pretty different than the conventional ones. It has vitamin A, the source of retinol and the consistency is more gooey and less drying than a conventional clay mask. It still does the job with an added benefit: when I take it off it looks like it helps with my complexion. Less drying effect is always a plus.

Today I squeezed the last bit of the 50ml tube which is the half size of the original one. I would definitely advice this mask to those who have combination to oily skin. Don't forget to slap on a moisturising mask though. It's never good to leave your skin dehydrated. 

What is your favourite clay mask?

April 25, 2013

My story with acne and medication. A happy end.

Hello people,
The reason why I started this blog was because of the fact that I was struggling with my skin condition. I have combination skin and I only remember having a few spots in my teenage years. Nothing troubling. Actually, I've never had the necessity of wearing a foundation in my life until a few years back.

Long story short, here, in the Netherlands, my GP gave me wrong type of medication what stimulated androgynous hormones and I was left with horrible acne on my face and back and hair loss(click here if you wanna have a glimpse).

I remember avoiding going out cause I looked like monster, never went on dates. I only met people in the evenings because even after hours of make-up trying to cover my spots was insufficient.

After 4-5 months of being off the medication, my acne was slightly better but still looked horrible and my face was hurting. This photo that you've seen here is actually taken 4 months after being off the medication.

After 6 months, I went to a dermatologist in Turkey and he advised me to use Accutane, I refused after reading all these side effects. I agreed to be put on Diane 35 for 6 months. It's a special blend of hormones specifically prescribed for acne sufferers.

I only could have bore it for a month! It was too powerful, too much sensitivity of my breasts made it impossible to sleep on my side or even wear a bra. Made me feel very depressed and all that jazz.

This is where it all becomes better. I came back to the Netherlands, met a lovely Swedish girl who had gone through the same trouble told me to use Tetralysal. Unfortunately, it's a very expensive medication and it's not sold here. It's a antibiotics and very different than Accutane.

So, I found a new GP, this time (knock on wood) a great dude, he prescribed me Doxycycline 100mg. Doxycycline 100mg has an active ingredient of doxycycline (clever, eih?) and Tetralysal has an active ingredient of lymecycline. Those two active ingredients are from the same family of tetracycline antibiotics family.

1 month of Doxycycline use, and kaboom, acne is gone. I think this medication (or antibiotics family) is a great alternative to try in place of Diane 35 or Accutane. Don't get me wrong, this medication is drying your skin, eyes, lips and your body heals really slowly. For instance I had the flu and I was in bed miserably for almost 2 weeks. 2 weeks! I noticed that my hair grows a lot slower, I have bloating problem (I use strong probiotics now), stomach pain, terrible headache... But it's all worth it considering that you only need to use it 1 to 3 months.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

April 24, 2013

Coming Soon : Bergman Beauty Skincare Review

I splurged recently on a few products from this luxurious skincare brand called Bergman Beauty Care.

I can't wait to show you about my hits and misses.

Review : ORIGINS Clean Energy Gentle cleansing oil.

Hello people, as you know we should double cleanse our face in the evening if we wear make-up and/or sunscreen. This post is a review about Origins Clean Energy Gentle Cleansing Oil.

I could write a long post about it but I'll save you the time : Just go and buy it. 
This oil blend of olive, safflower, sesame, sunflower, grape, macadamia, kukui, sweet orange, lavandin, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, patchouli, cedarwood, clary sage. rosemary, sandalwood,  geranium and australian sandalwood oil mixture emulsifies with water and gets all the grime out of your pores.

The only two negative things I could say about this product is the not-so-reasonable-but-i-love-good-stuff-on-my-face price tag and having to purchase the pump separately (no, I haven't)

When you have your make-up on and your face is dry, you have to take a lil bit of this oil onto your palm and massage it gently until you have all the grime melted. Then, either you take the oil of with a damped flannel or muslin cloth or wash it away with lukewarm water. Voila. A little spa experience with all this wonderful smell of essential oils. Of course it might put you off if you're sensitive to unusual odours,

I find this cleansing oil for removing the make-up or cleansing my face (as the second cleanse) and a quick fix in the morning. It doesn't strip your face's natural oils nor leaves your face oily as some of you might fear.

Please don't hesitate to ask me questions if you have any.

February 14, 2013

Review : Lush Ultrabland

I use homemade cleansing balm normally; I put jojoba oil, beeswax, rosewater and honey in it. Now that I am on a vacation and I ran out of my cleansing balm, I decided to get Lush Ultrabland as a temporary replacement.

What a mistake it was. Even though I was taking the product off of my face with a warm flannel, after just 2 days, I woke up with loads of bumps under my skin. Now, I use it as hand cream.

Weird that I have no type of allergy so far and no product made me break and I genuinely like Lush. I think the peanut oil was too reach for me. Maybe it'd be more suitable for dry skins.

January 06, 2013

Review : MBR Medical Beauty Research Beta-Enzyme

A young lady at Douglas gave me a sample of this product when she heard me ranting about my skin condition.

I used the sample for a week then went to the store to purchase this.

size of the bottle next to a fat cat.
This is the type of product that you need to use at night time. After cleansing, you let it sit on your skin for 15 mins, then remove it off and go ahead moisturise. I've seen a result only in 2 nights. Not only my overall skin tone has improved (I have severe pigmentation on my cheeks and my jaw line), I also noticed that the pimples dried out a lot faster. They didn't aggravate at all. I think that this product is fastening purging process of my whiteheads. Now that I have the 30ml/1oz bottle, I can't wait to see more improvements.

This is an excerpt from MBR's website:

High-end active product with hydroxy acids combined with hightech enzymes. Supports the loosening of excess cornified cells, thereby promoting the skin‘s regeneration process.
• removes cornification and sebum and lipid deposits
• removes the intracellular cement structure
• protects and soothes the active cell layer
• optimizes the absorption capacity of subsequent products
After Cleansing (Two in One Cleanser), apply once daily, in the evenings, to face and let it penetrate for 15 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly several times with luke-warm water and apply the appropriate product.

I would definitely advice this serum to all who suffer from acne, pigmentation and whiteheads (little nasty bumps under the skin). Please don't hesitate to leave any comments.

Review : Ben Nye Colorless Face Powder

I don't need to talk much about this, especially, if you live in the States, go and buy it. 

Great value for your money, it's thin, you don't feel it sitting on your skin, looks white but it's actually colourless, makes your foundation stay way longer, perfumeless, just lovely. Don't get this if you wanna over spend on MAC, NARS, Bobbi Brown or Laura Mercier.

I also reviewed:

Review : Ben Nye Creme Rouge Wheel

Oh my god. This is 6 shades of cream blushes from Ben Nye. Traditionally, you're supposed to use cream blushes on top of your creamy texture-like foundations. This product works on bare skin but also even powdered face. It's so pigmented that you gotta be careful when you pit it one. Tiny bit is more than enough for both cheeks.

28 gr of product that probably will last a decade

Also, even though it's always advised to use cream blusters with a brush or sponge, I find that it blends perfectly well with my fingers. Achieving a natural shade is so easy, if you wanna have a wow effect, you could easily build it up.
color pay off under day light

You could also use it as lip stain. This product is such a bargain and such a good investment for 6 awesome shades of blush.

Review : Ben Nye Media PRO Concealer (Blue Neutralizer)

This concealer that is specifically designed for under eye circles is simply great. Works well with Ben Nye Matte HD Foundation too.

Nothing bad to say about this product. It's incredibly pigmented, humble packaging but makes it easier to carry around just like its foundation. I also have MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NC 20 but Ben Nye (NB-1) makes a way better job at concealing those dark circles, plus you need wayyyy less product. I think this will last me for a few years, no exaggeration here. Happy to have found my HG.

Weird thing about Ben Nye foundation and concealer is that they look dark in their packaging but once you apply it it suits your skin tone. See the photo?

Review : Ben Nye HD Matte Foundation

I'll sound like a child but I'm so so so loving Ben Nye products nowadays. Recently, when I was haunting a shop that sold Embryolisse Lait Creme Concentre in Amsterdam, I found myself in this professional make-up store and couldn't stop the temptation of trying Ben Nye stuff. Result? My wallet is dead! Really, it's dead!

I'm a MAC NC 20, from Ben Nye Matte HD Foundation I'm the equivalent of NO-3 BISCOTTE. Even though it says matte foundation, I don't think it too matte, especially if you'll use Embryolisse as a primer like the way I do, you'll end up with a semi dewy finish (win!)

yes, i make artsy photos. hi, leonardo.
The foundation goes on so beautiful, so smooth on the skin. Even though I'm advised to use this with a sponge, I finger(hehe) it and it works just fine. Just a beautiful product, you need just a tiny tiny bit, I know people keep telling you 'a little goes a long way' but with this you need even more 'little' than 'a little'. Great coverage and you don't feel it sitting on your skin either. I wonder how much this 14g/0,5oz product will last me. I'm assuming more than a year. Word.

I've used many foundations from MAC, NARS, Bobbi Brown and also different natural brands but this takes it to another level with its price-quality ratio.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions.

Review : Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage

I have very very much shitty skin (thank you my house doctor!) and I invest too much time to conceal my pigmentation on my cheeks and on my jaw line. When I was watching videos on youtube in order to get some tips, I tumbled across this make-up artist called Lisa Eldridge. Not only she has the velvet voice of a therapist,she's insanely gorgeous and she's the make-up artist of celebrities, she is humble enough to share her knowledge about make-up (don't we all need a push to feel better sometimes?)

Enough said. watch her here. You can thank me later.

Mrs Eldridge was using Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage to pin conceal her flaws, and, I had to try it for myself of course. So I rushed to the only place in Amsterdam that sells Laura Mercier products, and paid an eye watering 39 Euros to get the product. For my defence, I was desperate not to look like I've been attacked by bees and also punch in the face.

I never get why but so called make-up artists in Amsterdam never give me the proper shade. I'm a MAC NC20 (rarely NC15 too sometimes) and in every shop I go to, they try to sell me one or two shades darker than my skin tone. Why? I absolutely have no idea. There was a period that I looked like I had a dirty face.

That being said they sold me LM Secret Camouflage in SC-3. The product comes with 2 different colours, one has pink undertone whereas the other is more yellowy. You have to mix-match to get the tone you need. It's a very dry product so you have to warm it first on the back of your hand before applying it, if you don't it looks ridiculously cakey. You must invest some time before wrapping your head around how to use this product properly. It could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Also it's too dry to use it under the eye, you have to mix it with a moisturiser (why not this?)

I think this is a beautiful product, just like other Laura Mercier products and it'll last you forever due to its consistency but when I will run out of this I won't purchase it again but will give a try to Ben Nye red neutralising concealers, better investment for my poor wallet.

Review : Embryolisse Lait Creme Concentre

I want to talk about this cream that is widely used my make-up artists, their staple product. It's still winder in Amsterdam and every time I wear foundation, I notice that after a few hours I get very oily around my T-zone therefore my foundation kinda looks liquidy whereas my cheeks are so dry that the foundation looks super-cakey.

I did try Laura Mercier's two different types of primers and they do work. However considering the fact that I only pay 19 Euros for 75ml of product with Embryolisse and I get to use a product not only serves as a primer but also a good moisturiser, I think this one is a better investment for your wallet. Plus, it doesn't make be break out.

On the box it says that the Lait Creme Concentre has shea butter, beeswax, aloe vera and soy proteins. And when you wear it under your foundation, you have a semi dewy effect.

Personally, I would highly recommend this to anybody, it's a hit especially if you have normal or dry skin.

From Embryolisse's website:

A wonderful care product - a real beauty secret, favoured by dermatologists for decades; a combination of ingredients of natural origin with recognised virtues, rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins. Provides the skin with all the nutrients and water needed for its balance, reconstitutes its hydrolipidic film - the barrier that protects the skin from aggression - and accelerates cell renewal. Moisturised*, nourished and repaired, the skin is supple and elastic once more. It is plumped, smoothed, and incredibly soft. Signs of dryness and discomfort disappear, leaving the skin soothed. Its creamy milk texture leaves a satin film, even on dry skin.
Skin is nourished in-depth, no longer feels tight and is soothed. Its surface is softer and more radiant, as though revitalised. Its reparative effect on damage caused by passing time and external aggressors is visible on application.

* The outer layers of the skin

Apply morning and/or evening to clean, dry face. Massage in gently without applying pressure, and leave to penetrate. The Lait-Crème Concentré can also be used to cleanse the skin or remove make-up, as a repairing mask, an after-shave cream, or as a baby-care product.